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Southfield Park

1200 Midway Lane

Heber City, UT 84032


June 9-13

June 16-20


5 - 14 years old


$300 per week

Registration opens March 3rd

(Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-3:00PM)


Camp goes on rain or shine

We will run camp rain or shine unless the weather is too extreme to safely play outside. We have a large pavilion to hide and play under if it begins to rain hard.


Daily Reminder & What to Bring

Please apply sunblock before leaving home & pack the following in your camper’s backpack. Please remember to label everything!


Athletic shoes or closed toe shoes

Mask (optional)

Hand sanitizer

Filled water bottle

Change of clothes (including underwear & socks) for water games

Bathing suit (optional) for water games

Lunch (nut-free)

Snacks (nut-free)


For longer hair: headband or hair tie

Appropriate layers for weather

Hat (optional, but encouraged)

Personal sports equipment – tennis racquet, lacrosse stick, etc. (optional)

Please make sure all items are labeled with your camper’s first and last name.

Although campers are welcome to bring their own equipment, it is not necessary as we will have enough for all campers.

It is also crucial that your campers wear laced gym shoes to camp.

Sandals, flip flops and slip-on shoes (such as crocs) are not permitted unless worn

solely in a pool area, during scheduled water activities, or on water-related field trips.


Parent Camp Handbook

The Parent Handbook includes a detailed outline on what to expect during the camp week

with hopes of answering any and all questions you may have.

View the Parent Handbook here.


Stay in Touch Daily

  • Please check our Facebook and Instagram page regularly & read our Huddle newsletters from top to bottom to stay fully informed. Game On! Sports 4 Girls photos, and videos are all accessible through SmugMug. The site is password protected for the children's safety. Please reach out to us directly if you don't have the password.

  • Note that our favorite photos from each camp day will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram page.


Drop Off & Pick Up

  • Drop Off & Pick Up Address: Southfield Park; 1200 Midway Lane, Heber City, UT

  • Look for Game On! Sports 4 Girls signage to identify pick up and drop off location.

  • Drop off time is between 8:45 – 9:00AM (contact us if you need before camp care)

  • Pick-up time at the end of the day is at 3:00PM

  • Make sure you do not leave without signing your camper(s) out. Anyone picking up your daughter from camp must be listed on her authorized pick up form and have a valid I.D. There are NO EXCEPTIONS! This is for the safety of our campers.



Campers must bring their own lunches and snacks. Note that refrigeration is not available and all food must be nut-free. (Sorry to say that this includes peanut butter and Nutella!). In addition, the sharing of food is strictly prohibited.


What if my camper is not a great athlete and has never played various sports?

Game On! Sports 4 Girls will provide the perfect environment for your campers to explore while having a blast. Whether their experience ultimately heightens confidence and interest in a certain sport, or they stay active for the pure joy, your campers  will thrive.


Tell us about the awards our Game On! campers can EARN at camp.


Campers will all be placed on age-appropriate teams from day #1 of their camp experience. In order to have our teams bonding and working together from the get-go, they will be EARNING points daily in the following categories, all of which are treated equally:


Team Spirit

Team Sportsmanship

A win for the team

Efforts by the entire team to go above and beyond both on the court and off (i.e. proactively taking responsibility together)

On Friday, team points are updated on our scoreboard, informing all where they rank in the standings. Coaches also schedule team pow-wows to strategize on how their teams can do better in the weeks to come. This program is fun, educational and so effective in encouraging teamwork.

At the end of each week of camp, one team will emerge victorious having scored the most points and earn the top Game On! Sports 4 Girls team award.

Individual awards:

Ribbons for sound character
Each day, our Game On! Sports 4 Girls campers will be taught and encouraged to demonstrate strong and positive character. Throughout each week, character will be observed, particularly for exemplary traits that go above and beyond. On Fridays, some campers may be recognized in front of their entire team for attitude and behavior that merits an award in the following categories:





When these ribbons are presented by coaches, the entire team will be told WHY so that all can model by example.

Ribbons for challenge course Friday:

All campers will have the opportunity to OPT-IN or OPT-OUT for our Challenge Course. Game On! Campers who desire to go the step further and measure both their progress and level will OPT-IN for our Challenge Course. Prior to executing the challenge, campers who exercise this option, will let our sports directors know and be judged for both best effort and skill level/advancement. A “best effort” will earn one form of recognition, while skill/progress level will earn another which will represent one of three levels (i.e. beginner, intermediate and advanced). Immediately upon completing the challenge, campers who opt in will receive feedback focusing on the reasoning for the level awarded and what it will take to reach the next.


COVID-19 Safety

As always, safety is our top priority and with COVID-19, we will be complying with the policies and recommendations of the CDC, State and our host facilities. Currently, masks are optional for campers and staff. We will be updating this section regularly when new guidelines and policies are released. 

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